About Me

Tired of trying to cram her sparkly star-shaped self into society’s beige square holes, she chose to embrace her ridiculous awesomeness and shine like the freaking supernova she was meant to be

– Unknown

Hi There!

I wanted to take this opportunity to tell you a little bit about myself and my blog.

I’m a corporate drone by day, aspiring writer by night and this is my website.  I like to start each morning with inspiring words that help set the tone for my day, because life is this crazy, beautiful journey that can pass you by if you let it.  And in my opinion, it helps to have daily reminders of what is important.  I have found that it is often the small things that can make a so so day a good day.

As I approach the end of my twenties, I find myself in constant reflection.  I’ve become very introspective as I think about where I am in life, how I got here, the good and bad and ultimately where I hope to end up in the coming months, years, etc.  It has been such an emotional journey, fraught with unbelievable joy and utter devastation.  I’ve been broken and reached lows I didn’t know existed in my short time on this Earth.  But in the midst of my storm, I discovered something so incredible – I discovered how strong and resilient I am as I’ve put the pieces of my life back together.  I discovered who I am and what it means to truly love myself and embrace myself for who I am – including my faults.  I am proud of the woman I am and look forward to challenging myself every day to be my best self.

I’ve embraced my quirky, comic book, syfy, space, astronomy loving self and personality.  I don’t fit into any “typical” box that society has defined and for the first time in my life, I’m okay with that reality.  I’ve decided that I’m going to be me and not worry about fitting some preconceived construct that society dictates.  I was meant to shine like a freaking supernova.  So, this next year of my life is about dancing to my own music and making up the moves as I go.  I have no idea what tomorrow holds for me, but for the first time I’m excited to walk my own path and just enjoy the journey.

I have discovered that when you open your heart and soul, you will see life’s miracles unfolding every minute of every day.  Each day that you wake up to live another day is a blessing.  So, in this blog, I provide my daily inspiration that I create from words that touch me and my outlook on life.

It is my hope that this blog will inspire, uplift and encourage the weary of heart.  I hope that each of you will find time every day to truly enjoy your journey, for it can end tomorrow.

Life is not all rainbows and sunshine.  It is messy, unpredictable and devastatingly beautiful.

Life is simply. . . perfectly imperfect.

With love,

~ LeKeisha, The Eternally Hopeful

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