So What

“Take a step back. Draw in a deep breath. Now ask yourself, ‘So what?’ Then, after answering, ask yourself again, ‘So what?’ And then a third time—‘So what?’ Chances are you’ll come to realize that the issue at hand is not as dire, detrimental, or important as you first thought.” 

― Richelle E. Goodrich

I find myself often getting lost in my own head. I find myself replaying situations and conversations that happened days, weeks, months ago where I over analyze everything.  I think, what if I had done this differently or what must this person think now or what was that person’s angle.  I often wonder what people will think about my latest post.  Will they judge me for being too honest….for not being honest enough? Will they try to dissect my posts to ascertain what real life situation inspired me or if the post is about them? I feel like I’m going insane at times by focusing on people, situations, and circumstances that are so inconsequential in the big picture.  Because at the end of the day, what does any of that matter? Does it matter what someone thinks about me or reads into a post? No. Can I change the past by reliving past situations and conversations? No.  So, I’m embracing a “so what” mindset. When I start losing myself inside my head, I say “So what…in the big picture does this matter or by obsessing about it, will it change the outcome?” If the answer is no, I’m not concerning myself with it, for I’m choosing to live in the present and not be weighed down by things that mean so little in the big picture.  This is me being unapologetically me.