So What

“Take a step back. Draw in a deep breath. Now ask yourself, ‘So what?’ Then, after answering, ask yourself again, ‘So what?’ And then a third time—‘So what?’ Chances are you’ll come to realize that the issue at hand is not as dire, detrimental, or important as you first thought.” 

― Richelle E. Goodrich

I find myself often getting lost in my own head. I find myself replaying situations and conversations that happened days, weeks, months ago where I over analyze everything.  I think, what if I had done this differently or what must this person think now or what was that person’s angle.  I often wonder what people will think about my latest post.  Will they judge me for being too honest….for not being honest enough? Will they try to dissect my posts to ascertain what real life situation inspired me or if the post is about them? I feel like I’m going insane at times by focusing on people, situations, and circumstances that are so inconsequential in the big picture.  Because at the end of the day, what does any of that matter? Does it matter what someone thinks about me or reads into a post? No. Can I change the past by reliving past situations and conversations? No.  So, I’m embracing a “so what” mindset. When I start losing myself inside my head, I say “So what…in the big picture does this matter or by obsessing about it, will it change the outcome?” If the answer is no, I’m not concerning myself with it, for I’m choosing to live in the present and not be weighed down by things that mean so little in the big picture.  This is me being unapologetically me.

Take Charge of Your Life

“Letting go is never a sign of failure, letting go is knowing what battle to fight and what battle to “let it be”.. Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care anymore, it is just directing your false hope to something more worthy of your emotions, energy and time.. Letting go is simply taking charge and control over yourself rather than fighting windmills like a modern day Don Quixote…”

― Zena Abou Alnaser

 It’s been awhile since I’ve last posted on here. To be honest, I let myself get lost in all the things going on in my life and I lost my inspiration. I lost sight of why I had created the blog over two years ago.  Each post I wrote began to feel more robotic and I no longer felt connected to what I was writing. It was like I was on auto pilot and before I knew it, it had been almost six months since I “blogged.”  In fact, it had almost been the same amount of time since I wrote period. No journals, no poetry, no freestyle, nada, zilch. 

Why? Simple, I let myself get caught up in the chaos around me.  I let myself get sucked into the drama and bullshit surrounding me in my personal and professional life. I found myself obsessing and becoming emotionally strung out on situations, people, and circumstances that were out of my control.  I spent way too much time and energy on people and situations that weren’t worth it. For it’s so easy to give in to the pettiness of a person being a crappy friend or a difficult coworker when you are in the midst of the “battle.”  It’s difficult to have clarity and perspective when you’ve been hurt or your pride insulted. This was where I found myself…and it felt like deja vu. Like haven’t I ridden on this train before and vowed to not repeat that experience…

Well, I finally reached a point a little while ago where I’m like what am I doing and this has gotten old. I asked myself why I was allowing myself to become a prisoner of the past, the negative, and toxic situations…once again.  The answer….Bad habits. I’ve decided enough is enough…I’m done repeating the same old, tired routines.  I’m working on letting go of that which haunts me….the old hurts and bitterness so I can focus on the present and what I do have control over. And guess what? Somewhere along the lines, I’ve found my inspiration to write again. Through letting go of the burdens I’ve held on to for far too long, I feel lighter, freer, more balanced and empowered.  I’m taking back control and it feels good. I’m embracing less structure and more free spirit. So, instead of vowing to post everyday or once a week like I did before….I will say I will post as inspiration hits me. This is me choosing to take unnecessary pressure off myself…this is me taking control.

How You Respond

Bad things do happen; how I respond to them defines my character and the quality of my life. I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness, immobilized by the gravity of my loss, or I can choose to rise from the pain and treasure the most precious gift I have – life itself.

– Walter Anderson

          You will undoubtedly face many storms in your life, but how you choose to weather the storms defines who you are. You can allow yourself to sink into despair every time something bad happens or you can choose to rise from the ashes. For it is up to you to decide your life and the gift of life in general is worth fighting for.

Follow Your Path

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.

– Steve Jobs

          Live your truth. Don’t get trapped by the expectations and judgment of others. Make sure that every decision you make and every step you take leads you forward down your path. Be bold, be brave, and follow your heart and intuition.

Be You

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

—Dr. Seuss

          At the end of the day, don’t shy away from who you are. Don’t be afraid to speak your mind and stand up for what you believe. Ignore the naysayers and haters. They aren’t for you and aren’t worth your time. Those who are true will support you no matter what. So, proudly stand up and show the world who you are.