Emotional Wellbeing

“If your leg is in a cast, it’s really dumb to sit in front of your computer doing unnecessary stuff with it hanging down. Your leg will swell and heal slower, if at all. When you go to your doctor, he/she will give you one of those “you’re really dumb and self destructive” looks. Also, “Why didn’t you follow my orders and rest?” Your doctor will be right, and so will mine at my next office visit. Elevate, folk! Elevate your mind, your soul, and your leg, in the order needed!”

― Sandy Nathan

         Self-care is one of the most important aspects of any person’s life, but it is often the last thing you think of. It is important to remind yourself that your mind, soul, and spirit need the same kind of care as your physical body. Your mind, body, and soul require rest, attention, and support too. So, make it a priority to focus not only on your physical wellbeing, but also on your emotional wellbeing.

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