Precious Gift

“Regardless of Sunshine or Rain, Be Thankful for another GREAT day…and treat Life as the ULTIMATE Gift…. Because IT IS :)”

― Pablo

         Every day you wake is a blessing…it is a precious gift that should be cherished and not wasted. No matter what the day may bring – rain or shine – you should be thankful for the chance to live one more moment. For some would give anything to see the storm clouds raging if it meant one more day on this Earth.

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2 thoughts on “Precious Gift”

  1. I have been reflecting on just this topic a lot lately. A great deal of us take this beautiful gift of life for granted. The girlfriend of a friend of my mine recently tried to kill herself by jumping off of an overpass. She is in a coma now. I could not imagine what drove her to this act. What in life is so bad to throw this beautiful gift away?

    1. Thank you for sharing such a deep and painful story. I believe each of us have been guilty of not appreciating the gift of life and guilty of taking it for granted. It is a topic that each of us should continually reflect on. And through sharing stories such as yours, maybe more people will wake up and truly see what a beautiful and precious gift life is. To wake up each day and take a breath of life is the greatest miracle you will ever experience.

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