A Life Full of Laughter


Poem by Bonnie Ruth Shaulis

Laughter is a pleasant sound, it spreads joy all around
Whether you’re young or old, laughter can be like
Magic to our souls, whenever we’re feeling sad
Laughter can sustain us so that things don’t seem
Quite so bad, if we give into laughter, it can be like
A cure for something that seems impossible to endure
So any time your spirits need a lift fill yourself
With laughter and you will find, a much happier
Person with a peaceful frame of mind

        Laughter is an essential part of life.  A simple laugh brings joy and warmth to your soul.  So, each day you should strive to live a life full of love and laughter.  Life will wear you down if you let it, so when things get tough choose to find things to laugh about instead of wallowing in your circumstances.  For one day you will see, the true measure of life is built from these small moments of joy.

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2 thoughts on “A Life Full of Laughter”

  1. This was a great one LeKeisha!! So true, keep laughter in your life daily!!! Thanks for the continued inspirations!

    Pam 🙂

    1. You’re welcome!!! Thanks for faithfully reading my blog!! This is why I created this blog . . .to inspire others like you!!!

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