Hold on to Your Friends

“I think if I’ve learned anything about friendship, it’s to hang in, stay connected, fight for them, and let them fight for you. Don’t walk away, don’t be distracted, don’t be too busy or tired, don’t take them for granted. Friends are part of the glue that holds life and faith together. Powerful stuff.”

― Jon Katz

        To find a true friend in this world is such a rare and beautiful thing.  We so often label acquaintances and people who come in and out of our lives for a season as “friends.”  But, those aren’t true friends.  Don’t get me wrong, acquaintances are great to have and provide joy in your life in varying capacities.  However, a true friend is someone who is there to celebrate your highs, to support you when you’re struggling and to hold you when the dam breaks.  A true friend doesn’t ask for anything in return.  A true friend is there, without any hesitation, to stand on the front lines ready to go into battle for or with you.  A true friend is simply there-no questions asked.  If you are fortunate enough to experience such a friendship in your life, you better be willing to fight for it and never take it for granted.

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4 thoughts on “Hold on to Your Friends”

  1. Yes! Mala ? – so blessed to have you in my life ❤️. This is beautiful, thank you!!

  2. So true!
    Friends are the family we choose!
    I am so thankful for our friendship and would do anything to keep it alive!

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