Never Give Up the Fight

“No one can make you ‘better’ emotionally, mentally, spiritually or physically. You have to find this for yourself. You have to taste that brutal moment when you’re crying in a corner of the room, curled up on the floor and you think this is your end. You have to fight to stand up, literally. And you have to walk over to your reflection and scream, scream it all out. Then you have pick up your sword and fight and never quit. This is your life. Don’t let those bastards win.”

― Crystal Woods, Write like no one is reading

       No one else can fight your battles. No one else can bring you peace or happiness. All of these things you have to learn to do for yourself because it comes from within. For when you’re standing alone on the edge of a precipice, surrounded by darkness, broken and defeated…only you can decide that although the battle was lost and the winds threaten to overtake you, you will not give in – you will never give up the fight.

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