Take Control of Your Life

“Good things come to those who wait… greater things come to those who get off their ass and do anything to make it happen.”

– Unknown

       If you are unhappy with any aspect of your life, don’t sit around waiting for things to get better or worse.  Get off your butt and do something.   And yes, there is always something you can do.  You want that nice vacation, then figure out how much it will cost and how much you can afford to put away from each check – even if it takes you two years to save up for that trip, it’s worth it.  It’s about not sitting around waiting for the problem to solve itself or for the situation to magically change.  That’s not how life works.  To have anything worth something, you have to bust your butt for it and go after it yourself.  It’s not easy and there may be a lot of doors closed in your face or several no’s before you get that one yes, but that’s just a part of life.   So, get up and go after the life you crave – no more excuses!