Live Your Potential

“I want to live my life to its fullest potential. I want to embrace my own purpose, however large or small it may be. I want to find my own Nehru moments and take positive steps toward becoming the person I am meant to be. The journey will undoubtedly be a winding one, filled with surprises and setbacks as well as gifts. But I’m ready to embrace it fully, wherever it may take me.”

― Mallika Chopra, Living with Intent: My Somewhat Messy Journey to Purpose, Peace, and Joy

         To truly live means to give your all and hold nothing back. It means figuring out who you are and what your purpose is. It means not settling into a mediocre existence when you were destined for an extraordinary life. And the incredible thing is that what direction your life takes is up to you. You have the choice to simply exist or to truly embrace life and learn what it means to live.

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