

You once told me
You wanted to find
Yourself in the world –
And I told you to
First apply within,
To discover the world
within you.

You once told me
You wanted to save
The world from all its wars –
And I told you to
First save yourself
From the world,
And all the wars
You put yourself

― Suzy Kassem

        If you want to effect change in this world, you must first make changes within yourself. How can you expect to make this world a better place if you haven’t started with you. You must embody what you wish to see in the world. Put simply, before you can rescue someone else, you must first save yourself.

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2 thoughts on “Change”

  1. Thank you for this post. Although many of us know we must love and nurture ourselves before we can do the same for others, it is so much easier said than done and we need reminders like this.

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