Don’t Give in to Disappointment

“Disappointment to a noble soul is what cold water is to burning metal; it strengthens, tempers, intensifies, but never destroys it.”

-Eliza Tabor

         We are all faced with disappointment in our lives.  You cannot have hope without disappointment – as they are opposite sides of the same coin.  So, even though it hurts when you allow yourself to hope for something, for it not to happen, your spirit will not be destroyed.  Your spirit is more resilient than any disappointment or letdown you may face.  And each time you manage to stand up in spite of a setback, you become a little stronger and a little wiser.

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2 thoughts on “Don’t Give in to Disappointment”

    1. Thanks!! As I continue to navigate my way through life, I find this philosophy to be so very true. As we encounter roadblocks, things may seem devastating at the time but once you manage to pick yourself back up, you realize how much stronger you are for having gone through that experience…

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