Today is a New Day

“Every day, think as you wake up, today I am fortunate to be alive, I have a precious human life, I am not going to waste it. I am going to use all my energies to develop myself, to expand my heart out to others; to achieve enlightenment for the benefit of all beings. I am going to have kind thoughts towards others, I am not going to get angry or think badly about others. I am going to benefit others as much as I can.”

― Dalai Lama

      Each day that you are blessed to wake up, make a promise to yourself to try to embrace all that the day has to offer. Strive to be a better version of yourself than yesterday. Strive to rise above the negativity that is bound to come your way. And most of all, strive to make the most out of the time you have been given for there is no guarantee you will get the opportunity to try again tomorrow.

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