Greatest Gift

My greatest beauty secret is being happy with myself. I don’t use special creams or treatments – I’ll use a little bit of everything. It’s a mistake to think you are what you put on yourself. I believe that a lot of how you look is to do with how you feel about yourself and your life. Happiness is the greatest beauty secret.

– Tina Turner

           There is no greater gift than self-love. When you truly love and embrace who you are, this radiance and happiness shows on the outside in your every move. It shows up in the way you carry yourself…Simply put, true happiness coming from within, transcends your very being.

Believe in Yourself

“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”

Norman Vincent Peale

          If you don’t have faith in yourself, then who will? So, no matter what you choose to do in this life, you must have confidence in yourself and your abilities. Believe that you are capable of achieving your goals and making your dreams a reality.

Choose to Live

“Today I choose life. Every morning when I wake up I can choose joy, happiness, negativity, pain… To feel the freedom that comes from being able to continue to make mistakes and choices – today I choose to feel life, not to deny my humanity but embrace it.”

– Kevyn Aucoin

      Each day you have the power to choose life. You can choose to embrace joy and positivity. You can choose to embrace all that life has to offer – including the good and bad. Because to truly be alive, it means you must choose to feel and not be numb to the world.

Work Hard

“Work hard for what you want because it won’t come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive.”

– Leah LaBelle

           Nothing worth anything in this life comes easy. You will have to fight for what you believe in and have the unrelenting determination to go after your dreams. There will always be people around you who try to bring you down with their criticisms and negativity. But it is in these moments that you must believe in yourself when no one else does and keep singing your song. Don’t let others silence you or take your smile away.

Don’t Give In

“So many people will tell you ”no”, and you need to find something you believe in so hard that you just smile and tell them ”watch me”. Learn to take rejection as motivation to prove people wrong. Be unstoppable. Refuse to give up, no matter what. It’s the best skill you can ever learn.”

― Charlotte Eriksson

        It is inevitable that you will face rejection, disapproval, and doubt throughout your life. How you choose to deal with it defines the type of person you are. You always have a choice to give in to the naysayers or you can choose to use the negativity as fuel for the fire driving you to achieve the impossible.

Choose Your Reality

“In life there is reality and there is what you want in life. If you took a moment to step back and forget about everything that is going on that doesn’t really mean that much anyway, you might be able to figure out how to get what you want and what has been stopping you. For every problem there is a solution, for every… need God has provided the answer, and for every want there is a way. Reality is what you make it.”

― Joshua Hartzell

       For every problem, there is a solution. You have but to block out all the white noise that surrounds you and focus on the here and now. Take a moment to stop and assess the situation for what it is without all the background noise. You have all the tools you need to find the answers for the questions you seek. And remember that reality is truly what you make it.

Your Potential

“Each one of us holds the promise of greatness within our heart, minds, and souls. Our potential and where it leads us are as unique as our fingerprints, yet the way to access what is possible is universal. Affirm your life; find joy every day, even in the mundane; and embrace your strengths and use them to better yourself and the world.”

― Marianna Olszewski

          There is great potential within each of us. Whether you fully realize that potential is up to you. To realize your potential, you must commit yourself each and every day to embracing all that life has graced you with. This means finding joy in every moment of life no matter how small or how dark the day. It means embracing the good and not so good in yourself and in others. It’s about using the tools and resources available to you to better yourself and those around you.

Believe in Yourself

“I didn’t know I had it in me. There’s more to all of us than we realize. Life is so much bigger, grander, higher, and wider than we allow ourselves to think. We’re capable of so much more than we allow ourselves to believe.”

― Queen Latifah

        Don’t sell yourself short. You are capable of much more than you allow yourself to believe. It is so easy to limit ourselves and simply say that’s impossible or is some silly pipe dream. But the reality is that if you allow yourself to try and just go for the “impossible dream,” you may discover that what you once thought to be an insurmountable mountain was nothing but a grain of sand.

Embrace Your Life

“Remember this, – where there is life there is hope. You’re alive. Embrace this, because YOU CAN DO ANYTHING while there is breath in your body.”

― Lola Jaye

        Where there is a will, there is a way. Never give up hope and know that anything is possible. As along as there is still breath in your body, there is hope and time to change how your story ends. For the only limits on your life are those you place upon yourself. So, embrace the life you were given and make the most of it each and every day.

Stand Tall

“Even after the stormiest weather, a true warrior will still reflect the brilliant rays of the magnificent sun through both his or her eyes. You may get hit by sudden lighting or take severe beatings from the cruel wind, but you will always get back up and stand strong on your feet again, soak in the sunlight, and be prepared to get hit by even the most merciless hail – time and time again.”

― Suzy Kassem

         Stay strong and resilient no matter how stormy the night. If you get knocked down, it’s okay so long as you get back up to face another day. For life is about weathering its many storms to emerge on the other side to see the Sun rise…and to experience renewed hope.