Do You

“Don’t be afraid to stand tall in YOUR truth! Boldly and confidently face everything that has, and is, keeping you bound. Fight for your inner peace! Fight for your happiness! Fight for everything and everybody that’s important to you! You are NOT a victim! Don’t even play into that. You owe it to yourself to LIVE! Live your life without the regrets, without the resentments, without the unforgiveness, without the blame game, without the self-pity, without any and everything that keeps you from experiencing true joy within! You are too important to waste your life away! Learn to appreciate and value your life, but most importantly, learn to appreciate and value yourself! You count too, no matter what you’ve done!”

― Stephanie Lahart

        Live your truth. Don’t let others decide the course of your life. And stop worrying about pleasing everyone else and focus on finding your happiness. Let go of past regrets and forgive yourself. And just live your life on your terms.


“You can’t cross the sea merely by standing and staring at the water.”

– Rabindranath Tagore

         Inaction gets you nowhere. Talking the talk is not the same as walking the walk. In order to move forward, you must first actually get up and do something. It’s all about forward trajectory and action. So, stop staring at the top of the mountain at your future, and start climbing toward a better tomorrow.

Believe in Yourself

“I didn’t know I had it in me. There’s more to all of us than we realize. Life is so much bigger, grander, higher, and wider than we allow ourselves to think. We’re capable of so much more than we allow ourselves to believe.”

― Queen Latifah

        Don’t sell yourself short. You are capable of much more than you allow yourself to believe. It is so easy to limit ourselves and simply say that’s impossible or is some silly pipe dream. But the reality is that if you allow yourself to try and just go for the “impossible dream,” you may discover that what you once thought to be an insurmountable mountain was nothing but a grain of sand.

This is Your Life

“Your journey is completely yours. It is unique. Others may try to steal part of it, tell it in their words or shape it to suit them. Reality is no one can live it or own it but you. Take charge of your journey, it’s yours and yours alone!”

― Kemi Sogunle

        Live your life for you and on your terms. And at the end of the day, do what makes you happy. For this is your journey that only you can travel, so don’t waste time letting others decide the direction your life goes in.

The Journey Within

“The best journey of life that you can take is inside yourself to discover your new thoughts, new ideas, and new hopes.”

― Debasish Mridha

          As you embark on a journey to pursue your goals and dreams, don’t forget about the journey of self-awareness and self-care. The journey within is just as important as your external pursuits. Always take time to just sit with yourself and reevaluate who you are and what your beliefs and hopes are because you will find that they will evolve and change over time as you grow and experience life.

Give Your All

“You read and write and sing and experience, thinking that one day these things will build the character you admire to live as. You love and lose and bleed best you can, to the extreme, hoping that one day the world will read you like the poem you want to be.”

― Charlotte Eriksson

         Give your all to everything you do in this life. Lay your heart and soul bare on the table holding nothing back. Let the world truly see you for who you are and for all you have to give. For you deserve to shine as bright as the stars lighting up the night sky. Be confident, be bold, and let the world hear your song.

Reach for the Stars

“Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.”

– Harriet Tubman

         Never let anyone or anything prevent you from pursuing your dreams with an unbridled passion. For you are strong enough and courageous enough to achieve the impossible. The only person preventing you from chasing the stars is you. So, choose to believe in yourself and go after what you want most in this life.

Do It for You

“There IS a better future for you! Get rid of that negative and defeated attitude. Stop tearing yourself down and learn to build yourself up. Speak positively about yourself. If you’re not satisfied with who you are and where you’re at in your life, have the courage to make a change and be a person that you can be proud of. Change can be scary, but change for the better is very rewarding in the end. You can do it! Do it for YOU.”

― Stephanie Lahart

          Do it for you. You and you alone are in charge of the person you become and the future you create. And at any moment, you can make the decision to change the path you’re on if you’re unhappy. There is no one stopping you from living the life you crave except for you. So, choose to greet each day with a positive attitude and with the courage to live your truth.

Defeat is a Choice

“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.”

― Roger Crawford

          In this life, you will undoubtedly face many obstacles and roadblocks that will push you to your limits. This is out of your control. However, whether you choose to succumb to life’s challenges and give up is a choice that is completely within your control. So choose not to let life defeat you, for you are strong enough to weather any storm life throws at you.

Follow Your Vision

“Don’t be discouraged if people don’t see your vision, your harvest. All they see from their perspective is that you’re watering a whole lot of dirt. They don’t SEE what seeds you’ve been planting with blood, sweat, tears and lack of sleep. Make sure you don’t abandon or neglect it because “they” don’t see it. You have to KNOW and believe for yourself. They don’t see the roots and what’s budding under the dirt. But it’s okay, because it’s NOT meant for them to see it. While you wait, MASTER it. You continue to do YOUR work and have unwavering faith! Remember why you started planting in the first place. Your harvest WILL come!”

― Yvonne Pierre, The Day My Soul Cried: A Memoir

           Remember to always follow your path and chase your dreams. No two paths are the same, and you must have faith and conviction that you are going in the right direction. Don’t let others lack of vision detour or sidetrack you from continuing along the road that you, and you alone, are meant to travel. Be your own support and follow your own compass.