Focus on the Solution

“Don’t dwell on what went wrong. Instead, focus on what to do next. Spend your energies on moving forward toward finding the answer.”

–  Denis Waitley

        Focusing on every mistake and bad event in your life will not make things better or fix the problem; rather, it will keep you stuck in the past and in the same situation.  To truly move forward, you must focus instead on the next steps and what can realistically be done to get through your situation.  Never forget that life is all about forward trajectory and motion, so don’t let life’s everyday problems derail you.

Worry Less

“If a problem is fixable, if a situation is such that you can do something about it, then there is no need to worry. If it’s not fixable, then there is no help in worrying. There is no benefit in worrying whatsoever.”

― Dalai Lama XIV

          Don’t waste time worrying about things you cannot change or those things over which you have no control. Truly, what’s the point? You only stress yourself out unnecessarily and add years to your life. Wouldn’t all that time you spend worrying be better spent actually enjoying and living your life? So, each day make a conscious effort to focus your energy on engaging in life and being truly present instead of spending countless hours on that which is inconsequential in the big picture.

The Choice is Yours

“If you are faced with a mountain, you have several options.
You can climb it and cross to the other side.
You can go around it.
You can dig under it.
You can fly over it.
You can blow it up.
You can ignore it and pretend it’s not there.
You can turn around and go back the way you came.
Or you can stay on the mountain and make it your home.”

― Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

           Life is all about choices. When life places a roadblock in front of you, you can choose to do something to get around it or you can choose to do nothing. Whether you move forward in life or sit on the sidelines watching life happen around you is always a choice. So, choose to face any obstacle head on instead of succumbing to life’s challenges.

Work Hard

“If you really believe in what you’re doing, work hard, take nothing personally and if something blocks one route, find another. Never give up.”

― Laurie Notaro

          There is always more than one path to a destination. And in life, you will learn that you may have to change directions several times before reaching your destination. Sometimes the path you travel may be smooth, while at other times it may be extremely rough. The key is to never give up. Just work hard and try a new direction when one route is blocked. And most importantly, have faith for you will find your way.

Do It for You

“There IS a better future for you! Get rid of that negative and defeated attitude. Stop tearing yourself down and learn to build yourself up. Speak positively about yourself. If you’re not satisfied with who you are and where you’re at in your life, have the courage to make a change and be a person that you can be proud of. Change can be scary, but change for the better is very rewarding in the end. You can do it! Do it for YOU.”

― Stephanie Lahart

          Do it for you. You and you alone are in charge of the person you become and the future you create. And at any moment, you can make the decision to change the path you’re on if you’re unhappy. There is no one stopping you from living the life you crave except for you. So, choose to greet each day with a positive attitude and with the courage to live your truth.

Look Within

“Spending time looking for what is missing in your life is futile; if you fail to look within yourself. When we challenge everything we believe we are, we reveal that which we never knew about our own selves.”

― Nicolas G. Janovsky, Gay: A New Path Forward

        We often spend so much time searching externally for what we feel is missing in our lives when in these moments we should be looking within.  Many of the answers you seek, you already know if you were to just search within.  You must dig deep into the dark places that we often avoid and pose some difficult questions to yourself.  For once you start the journey of truly self-reflecting and looking within, you may be surprised by what you find and who you become.

Strive to Thrive

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”

– Maya Angelou

           There’s more to life than simply getting through each day. You aren’t meant to go through life just existing. No, life is about being present and engaged in every moment. It’s about finding joy in the journey, rain or shine.

Defeat is a Choice

“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.”

― Roger Crawford

          In this life, you will undoubtedly face many obstacles and roadblocks that will push you to your limits. This is out of your control. However, whether you choose to succumb to life’s challenges and give up is a choice that is completely within your control. So choose not to let life defeat you, for you are strong enough to weather any storm life throws at you.

Follow Your Vision

“Don’t be discouraged if people don’t see your vision, your harvest. All they see from their perspective is that you’re watering a whole lot of dirt. They don’t SEE what seeds you’ve been planting with blood, sweat, tears and lack of sleep. Make sure you don’t abandon or neglect it because “they” don’t see it. You have to KNOW and believe for yourself. They don’t see the roots and what’s budding under the dirt. But it’s okay, because it’s NOT meant for them to see it. While you wait, MASTER it. You continue to do YOUR work and have unwavering faith! Remember why you started planting in the first place. Your harvest WILL come!”

― Yvonne Pierre, The Day My Soul Cried: A Memoir

           Remember to always follow your path and chase your dreams. No two paths are the same, and you must have faith and conviction that you are going in the right direction. Don’t let others lack of vision detour or sidetrack you from continuing along the road that you, and you alone, are meant to travel. Be your own support and follow your own compass.

Never Stop Dreaming

“Some choose to dream with a safety net. I dream with nothing to catch me, that way if I fall nothing can stop me from rising back up.”

― Evelyn Shepherd

        Never stop dreaming and believing you can accomplish the impossible. Sometimes you will succeed along the journey and sometimes you may stumble. The key is to keep standing back up each time you fall. And no matter what, never give up.